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(Anti)Racism in Sport Online Seminars | Racism and Football: Media, Leadership, and Coaching


Watch the recordings here on Oseminars' Youtube Channel

This is a Farenet #blacklivesmatter in football activity organized by BoMoVu, Oseminars, and Alan Savuması.


Most people believe sports to be an apolitical field free from deep societal problems such as racism. They praise sports hierarchies, access and success criteria for being meritocratic and color blind. However, people of color, who are discriminated against based on their race and ethnicity, know that such a position is a privileged one and that most sports practitioners do not have the luxury to subscribe. In reality, racism is unfortunately prevalent in sports as much as it is in other spheres of life. It leads to concentration of power in the hands of white team owners, to attacks on Kurdish football team Amedspor members and to layoffs of dissident black voices like Colin Kaepernick. Aiming to expose and potentially dissolve that problem BoMoVu has been organizing anti-racism teach-ins, teacher trainings, online conversations and pedagogical tools. With this online conversation series (Anti)Racism in Sports, BoMoVu together with Oseminars organizes weekly sessions each bringing together two interlocutors from a specific locality and/or bodily practice to discuss the problem of racism in their contexts. By that, the sessions aim at contributing to the international dialogue on the topic and trigger self-reflection by learning about different guises racism takes in sports.

The online conversations took place every Thursday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. Istanbul time (UTC+3) (unless otherwise noted) from 24 September to 10 December 2020.

The 12-weeks online conversation sessions are approximately 1 hour long each and held on Zoom. The Zoom meetings are simultaneously live-streamed on Youtube and recorded. Participants were able to join via Zoom or used Youtube chatboard for their questions and comments.

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The series was organized by BoMoVu, Oseminars and Alan Savunması as part of the Farenet #BlackLivesMatter in football activity.

For your questions please contact us:

Akilah Francique